Game of Bones is a game to foster and ignite interest in paleontology and science. I was hired by The Field Museum in order to create the game in order to help feature and promote fossils from their Evolving Planet Exhibit. I led a team of 3 game developers, including myself.  The game is meant for youth and families that allows players to experience what it is like to be a paleontologist by replicating the activities of Museum scientists. In the first level players unearth, prepare, and study Edaphosaurus, an ancient mammal-relative that lived 300 million years ago.
Game of Bones feature three gameplay modes as well as a journal that helps record and track their findings. Players visit a dig site to excavate bones, learning about different tools and processes to do so. After collecting bones, players can return to their office and are tasked with sorting the bones based on records at their disposal from the museum. Once all the bones of the Edaphosaurus have been collected, players put the pieces together in order to create their own museum display.  
My Roles
+ Game Design Lead
Unity Developer
Project Manager 
UI/UX Design
+ Researcher
client / collaborator
+ Field Museum
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